Green Earth Movement | Prevent Global Warming

Earth is one planet that there are natural resources so much. But after all this time on this earth for habitation by humans as a result we are increasingly fragile earth and closer to destruction. Signs of global warming makes the earth really getting addicted. Greening the earth's movement need to be preserved as the prevention of global warming
Today we might have realized that the climate or the temperature of the earth, growing by day and probably will always increase. This will happen if we do not immediately realize and try to change all that, so we as humans must be aware and take immediate measures necessary to prevent the exacerbation of climate in Indonesia in particular and the world at large. 

You all may have felt alone in our state how this climate change at any time, and increasingly uncertain computation time. It was all caused by global warming (Global warming) that have occurred in today. Probably most of us already know what are the causes or the background of global warming can happen. 

I want us all to immediately take steps to anticipate, for the sake of survival of subsequent generations after us. It may not be difficult for us to do, we can start from our own homes and even if there are further steps you want to do, it might be very useful for us and you can be a hero to human life. 

I own from now on will try to do the greening I might do from my umah. And maybe if you are also interested to do similar things, I am very grateful to you. 

For your attention I thank you very much. and do not forget to do the greening movement, for the sake of "our earth sustainable"! 
Village atmosphere in the cool mountainous regions and lush, and less pollution will help refresh our earth. 
Hopefully we can bring this atmosphere into the urban life that tend to have forgotten the meaning of the importance of forests for us.
and we all certainly hope that is the same in order to prevent global warming re-greening of our beloved earth-made us (humans) own.